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Wheelchair Lift
Wheelchair Lift
Wheelchair Lift

Bill Fry of Van Horne, IA, has built a Wheelchair Lift for his pickup that consists of a flat, steel plate bolted to the bed floor just behind the driver's seat, with a 4-foot vertical pole mounted to the plate so that it can rotate. A parallel linkage fastened to the pole above the bed wall is raised and lowered by a two-pulley cable system powered by a 12-volt winch. An arm protrudes from the end of the linkage to hook onto the wheelchair. A 12-volt linear actuator bolted to the truck bed rotates the vertical pole on the steel plate. To load a wheelchair from the ground, the winch tightens the cable to raise the parallel linkage and chair. The actuator is then retracted to rotate the linkage over the truck bed, and the chair is lowered for transport. Control switches are mounted by the driver's seat in the cab to operate the winch and actuator, both of which run off the truck's electrical system. Relay switches are used to decrease the current flowing through the operating switches.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity

SourceBill Fry
Last updated: Apr 14, 2017

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