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Automatic Bale Wagon
Red and white bale accumulating wagon

The self-propelled or tractor-pulled Automatic Bale Wagon is driven to where the baled hay has been dropped onto the ground, picks up the bales, and stacks them on the bed of the wagon. When the bed is full (maximum 160 small-size bales), the load is taken to a desired location and dropped on the ground in a square stack. No manual labor is needed to stack or unload the bales.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Back, Lower extremity, Strength/endurance, Upper extremity

SourceNew Holland Agriculture
500 Diller Avenue
New Holland, PA, 17557
EmailWeb form
Est. Cost$199,000 (Self-propelled wagon)
Last updated: May 17, 2022

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