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Pikrite Rock Pickup System
Pikrite Rock Pickup System

The Pikrite Rock Pickup System allows persons with mobility, back, and strength limitations to dig, pick up, and remove rocks, brush, manure, firewood, scrub trees, and other debris. Working off the hydraulics of any skid steer loader, the Pikrite is a 5-foot-wide by 3-foot-high multipurpose bucket that can handle as much as 3,000 pounds of 2-inch and larger rocks or debris before having to be dumped. The replaceable teeth in front dig and scoop the rocks or other materials then lifts them back into the bucket. A universal mounting system, hydraulic cylinders, and hoses come with the product.

Archived This product is no longer produced. Information is included for reference and archival purposes.
Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity, Upper extremity

SourcePikrite Corporation
St. Joseph, MI
Est. Cost$2,200
Last updated: Feb 06, 2025

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