Hay Cradle
This product is no longer produced. Information is included for reference and archival purposes.
Cost range: See below
Limitations Addressed by Product: Upper extremity, Strength/endurance, Lower extremity, Back
The Hay Cradle is a heavy-duty dolly that can be used to move several small bales or one larger bale by hand. The cradle's axle and wheels bear the weight of the bales, minimizing the effort required to move the load. Saddle and tack attachments, and wood carrying and poultry boxes are also available to increase the device's utility.

Source | Hanson Silo Company 11587 County Road 8 SE Lake Lillian, MN, 56253 |
Website | wwwhansonsilo.com |
hscinfo@hansonsilo.com | |
Phone | 800-843-7456 320-664-4171 |
Fax | 320-664-4140 |
Last updated: Dec 29, 2023