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Magnetic Nail Holder
A hammer is ready to strike a nail-set being held upright by the magnet which protrudes out from the length of rubber tubing that a hand is grasping.

The Magnetic Nail Holder consists of a magnet inserted into each end of a 4- or 5-inch piece of silicone rubber tubing, with a groove ground into each magnet to accommodate nails of various shapes and sizes. This device would be most useful to someone whose grasping ability is limited to the web-space in one's hand. It can also be used to hold a punch, small chisel, or nail set as shown in the figure.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Upper extremity

SourceRuss Berard
615 Caulder Avenue
Des Moines, IA, 50315
Last updated: Feb 10, 2017

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