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Car-Window Rifle Mount
A rifle secured (as described) to the mount, which includes the two adjustable vertical rods welded to the top and bottom V-shaped plates that wedge the device in the window.

A Car-Window Rifle Mount was constructed for Kansas City, MO, area farmer Donnie Hupp, who has difficulty in holding a gun. Made of aluminum plates bent at right angles, the top and bottom of the mount frame have a threaded rod welded at each end. The rods extending from the top plate and those extending from the bottom plate are connected to each other by expansion nuts that allow the frame to be wedged into the open car window. A horizontal shaft with a sliding center-mounting bracket runs between the two vertical threaded rods about halfway up the mount frame. The rifle rests on the bracket, which is padded with duct-tape-wrapped foam rubber to prevent the gun from slipping too far forward. A leather strap secures the rifle to the mount. The bracket allows the gun to be pivoted up and down or swiveled.

Caution symbol Caution Notes: State laws vary regarding hunting from a motor vehicle; however, special exemptions may exist for hunters with disabilities. Check with your local conservation officer before considering a Car-Window Rifle Mount.
Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Upper extremity, Strength/endurance

SourceDonnie Hupp
10532 View High Drive
Kansas City, MO, 64134
Last updated: Aug 30, 2022

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