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Yaktrax Shoe Ice Grippers
The bottom of a work-boot worn by a person walking on snow, showing what the device looks like when attached.

Stretching like rubber bands over the soles of shoes or boots, Yaktrax Shoe Ice Grippers provide stability and traction on both ice and snow. They are made of injection-molded plastic and feature wrap-around small metal coils in double-diamond design. As the foot goes down, the coils embed in the ice below; as weight transfers to the foot, the coils squeeze into the ice, providing stability in all directions; then as the foot lifts, the coils release, remaining snug on the shoe.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity, Strength/endurance, Visual

SourceYaktrax, Inc
2001 T.W. Alexander Drive
Box 13925
Durham, NC, 27709-3925
EmailWeb form
Est. Cost$20
Last updated: Mar 02, 2017

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