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Added Steps for Semis & Grain Trucks
Left pic showing person from waist down in blue jeans and black shoes climbing silver steps that were added to side of truck. Rt pic shows silver steps added to side of red semi cab.

Because of the high, steep steps, those with leg-lift and/or arm-strength limitations can have problems accessing their truck cabs. Universal or custom-made Added Steps for Semis & Grain Trucks may provide the solution. Commercially available universal added steps consist of two grip-strut steps (12, 18, or 24 inches wide) in an aluminum housing, which is four-bolt-mounted to a semi's frame area; the steps are 12 inches apart. Custom-made added steps are commonly designed by local welding shops to either fit over any truck's existing cab-access steps or to provide extra steps to the existing ones.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity, Upper extremity

SourceBuyers Products Company "Added Steps for Semis & Grain Trucks"
9049 Tyler Boulevard
Mentor, OH, 44060
Last updated: Feb 10, 2025

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