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Step Stool with Handrail
A chrome and black step stool with a high horseshoe-style open-end-down handle.

A Step Stool with Handrail can allow workers with lower extremity limitations to step more easily into a pickup truck or onto the first step of a tractor. They can also help reach cabinets/shelves and other elevated objects. The non-slip platform is about 10-inches-tall and has one or two u-shaped handles to help balance while stepping up. Weight capacity is reportedly about 300 pounds. (Common brand names include AdjustaStep, DMI, Easy Comforts, Giantex, Leekpai, and Vaunn.)

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity

SourceAvailable online and from many home improvement, hardware, general-merchandise, and medical-supply outlets.
Est. Cost$30-$90
Last updated: Feb 10, 2025

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