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Loader Bucket Hitching Blocks
Left pic of 2 parallel cement blocks with loader bucket on them. Rt pic of cement pad with loader forks sitting on it.

South Dakota farmer Darren Wipf's Loader Bucket Hitching Blocks (simply two parallel concrete blocks) not only keep the bucket up out of the mud/snow/dirt, but also make it easier to see when hitching/unhitching. Straps bolted onto the backs keep the bucket from falling off the blocks when it's pushed ahead. A similar strategy is to park the bucket (or other loader attachment) on a concrete pad.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity, Upper extremity, Back, Visual

SourceAdapted from Hoarde's Dairyman Magazine (4/ 25/22)
Darren Wipf
South Dakota
Est. CostNominal
Last updated: Feb 10, 2025

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