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Bumper-Mounted Bale Spear
3 pictures showing pickup truck with gate closed, with bale spear extended, and with large round bale on spears

This Bumper-Mounted Bale Spear, which replaces the truck's existing bumper, allows the cargo bed to be fully available for other uses. It also allows for use of gooseneck trailers without having to remove anything. The bumper unit has two 4-foot-long spears and includes everything required for their operation (e.g., hydraulic cylinders, fenner pump, wiring) plus mounting brackets that reportedly accommodate any pickup make/model. It runs off the truck's battery system and is controlled by a wireless remote. Available options include mechanisms for a 2-inch-diameter cold rolled stress reliever, drop-down spears for lower bale pickup or lifting, and light guard protectors.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity, Upper extremity, Strength/endurance, Back

SourceWashburn Company, Incorporated
172 NE 1st Lane
Lamar, MO, 64759
Est. Cost$2,765
Last updated: Dec 16, 2021

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