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Moveable Free-Range Chicken Structures
Moveable Free-Range Chicken Structures

Kimberlee Bastien of New Brunswick, Canada, utilizes two unique Moveable Free-Range Chicken Structures that she's designed to contain and protect her flock: chicken tunnels (Fig. 1) and fertilization stations (Fig. 2) The floorless tunnels measure 12 feet long by 22 inches wide, with the sides 3 inches high and 16-gauge, galvanized wire mesh that provide a hoop-type covering 19 inches high at its apex. Bastien's floorless fertilization stations are fitted around saplings so the birds can clean up insects, remove grass, and fertilize the saplings throughout the growing season; the stations' donut-shaped lids rest atop a 24-inch-high, wire mesh perimeter. Details as to the design and construction of both structures are included in Bastain's book, 52 Homestead Skills, which is available from

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity, Upper extremity, Strength/endurance, Back

SourceAdapted from Farm Show Magazine, Vol. 43, No. 5
Kimberlee Bastien
The Old Welsh Farm
Upper Coverdale, New Brunswick
Est. CostNominal
Last updated: Apr 23, 2020

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