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Overhead Bedding/Roughage Dispensing System
Overhead Bedding/Roughage Dispensing System

The Overhead Bedding/Roughage Dispensing System automatically distributes bedding material (e.g., straw, sawdust, sand) and roughages into livestock pens, stables, loafing areas, stanchions, etc. The system includes a battery-powered dispenser that rides on a truss-mounted overhead rail, a "filling station" that stores and feeds the material to the dispenser, and a multi-function control panel. The material is broadcast as the dispenser glides back and forth over the area, returning to the filling station when empty. Loading the bedding or roughage into the filling station is only manual labor involved.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity, Upper extremity, Strength/endurance, Back

SourceJH Agro AS
Lundholmvej 41
7500 Holstebro
Phone+ 45 96 32 68 00
Fax+46 8 566 229 10
Est. CostCheck with supplier
Last updated: Jul 06, 2018

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