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Homemade Pickup-Mounted Calf Catcher
Homemade Pickup-Mounted Calf Catcher

Hoven (SD) cattleman Donald Karst's Homemade Pickup-Mounted Calf Catcher consists of three 30-inch-high plywood panels mounted at the top and bottom to a frame made of 11/2-diameter pipe. The side panel, which runs parallel to the truck, is 5 feet long and the rear panel 31/2 feet long, both with 12-inch rubber belting along the bottom that's high enough off the ground so Karst can drive over rough terrain without damaging the catcher. The shorter third panel, which serves as the door, swings out beyond the side panel and is lever-locked in place to direct a standing or moving calf into the catcher. The unit is secured by a pipe extending from the rear panel's top frame and clamped to the top of the truck bed's mid-point. A 1- by 2-inch channel iron, running at an angle from the top of the side panel to the top of the bed, reinforces the side panel and prevents the catcher from tipping up or down if the pipe clamps happen to become loose. Once a calf is inside the catcher, Karst opens his truck door to confine the calf, and a lever that is mounted to front of the side panel pivots to ensure the pickup door stays in place once opened.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity, Upper extremity, Strength/endurance, Back

SourceAdapted from Farm Show, Volume 39, Issue 3
Donald Karst
15150311 Avenue
Hoven, SD, 57450
Est. CostNominal
Last updated: Dec 29, 2023

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