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Hitch-Mounted Calf Carrier
hitch-mounted calf carrier attached to ATV

The Hitch-Mounted Calf Carrier is designed to provide a safe, humane way to transport new-borns or to work the calves (e.g., dehorn, tag) in the pasture. The device is Z-shaped, one end fitting into any 2-inch receiver hitch and the other end supporting two U-shaped carrying cradles, with a 10-inch rise between hitch and cradles. Attached to each cradle is a nylon belt that conforms to calf's body; a bungee cord secures the animal to the cradles. An option to the above is a hitch-able two-wheeled cart on which this calf carrier can be mounted.

Estimated Cost Cost range: $170 (carrier), $300 (carrier+cart)

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity, Strength/endurance, Back, Upper extremity

SourceKoehn Marketing, Inc
P.O. Box 577 (182 North Maple Street)
Watertown, SD, 57201-0577

SourceATV Body Armour
Arlington, SD, 57212

SourceVH Manufacturing, Incorporated
204 Westview Drive
Rock Valley, IA, 51247
Last updated: Feb 06, 2025

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