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Lobo Skid-Steer Post Puller
Lobo Skid-Steer Post Puller

The front-mounted Lobo Skid-Steer Post Puller removes fence posts, guard rails, etc., even those embedded in concrete. The task involves simply aligning and clamping the machine's jaws onto the post, activating its two hydraulic cylinders to evenly pull the post, then carrying it to where desired. Made of heavy-duty steel, the attachment reportedly pulls at a force of over 17,000 pound without damage to the loader arms. A circular cutout at its base allows it to be placed directly on the ground and not on the post-supporting concrete. The adjustable clamp jaws accommodate posts of virtually any size (1 to 8 inches diameter) and type (round, square, 'T', 'H', wood, metal). A safety push-bar is designed to prevent the pulled post from coming into the operation station.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Upper extremity, Lower extremity, Strength/endurance, Back

SourceAmmbusher Inc.
2707 Lofty Drive
Fort Wayne, IN, 46808
Last updated: Oct 28, 2024

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