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Log Loading Trailer
Log Loading Trailer

TheLog Loading Trailer pulled by an ATV or utility tractor, is designed to enable one person to load, transport, and unload logs measuring up to 16 feet long. In addition to a basic frame and four 4-ply on/off-road tires, the trailer comes with the following accessories: protection grating, four curved log posts, loading mast with directional pulley, loading pivot, grab hook, double-braided polyester cable, hand winch with brake, V-chain, and trailer jack with spring-loaded swivel tow bar and shock absorber springs. Optional is a metal box bed for such additional uses such as hauling shorter logs, dirt, gravel, feed, or other bulk materials.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Strength/endurance, Back

Est. CostContact supplier for current Pricing.
Last updated: Feb 07, 2025

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