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Roto-Hog Tow-Behind Tiller
Roto-Hog Tow-Behind Tiller

Attached to an ATV, riding mower, or small tractor, the Roto-Hog Tow-Behind Tiller tills a 36-inch-wide swath up to 7.5 inches deep, and prepares garden, specialty-crop, or landscape area seedbeds. The implement features a manual lever that controls the depth of its 12 steel bolo tines, overhead-valve engine, and jolt-minimizing shock-absorbing hitch. Optional attachments include hiller, fertilizer spreader, and culti-packer.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Strength/endurance, Back

SourceDR Power Equipment
P.O. Box 25 (75 Meigs Road)
P.O. Box 25
Vergennes, VT, 05491 or
Est. Cost$2,000-2,300
Last updated: Mar 31, 2017

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