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Dirtless Wobble Auger
Dirtless Wobble Auger

Able to push through dirt, sand, clay, frozen ground, and embedded rock, Danuser's four-foot-long Dirtless Wobble Auger produces a hole with no loose dirt either in the bottom or around the top. The drill-type head has an offset so it wobbles as it turns, compacting the sidewalls and providing a smooth hole ready for the post or concrete. Available in 4-, 6-, and 9-inch diameters. For the 9" Auger Danuser recommends skid steers having an operating capacity of at least 2,250 pounds and an auger drive with at least 2,000 feet-pounds of torque. The Wobble Auger is not designed for three-point-hitch-mounted auger systems.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Upper extremity, Strength/endurance, Back

P.O. Box 368
500 East Third Street
Fulton, MO, 65251
Est. Cost$285-550 (Contact local dealer for current pricing)
Last updated: Jan 02, 2024

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