
The customer has been denied VR services. Can he/she re-apply?

The applicant can re-apply if circumstances have changed or more evidence on disability is available to VR for review. The customer can appeal if the VR counselor didn't consider all the evidence presented to determine eligibility and severity of the disability.

The VR counselor is not knowledgeable about farming. Can the customer ask for a different counselor?

The customer can request a VR counselor of his choice or change the counselor at any time in the process. The request may be made to the VR counselor or the office supervisor. However, this should not be resorted to as the first step to resolve a conflict or denial or services. The FWD and their advocates (AgrAbility staff) have a responsibility to educate the VR counselor of the concerns and important issues related to the functional limitations of the FWD and how that relates to their business of agriculture. Of course the VR Counselor has to be open and receptive to learning the farm functions and farm culture. After taking these steps if the customer is not able make progress with the VR counselor, a change in counselor may be considered.

What is Client Assistance Program (CAP) and how can I contact them?

Client Assistance Program (CAP) is an independent agency set up by the state as required by the Rehabilitation Act to resolve conflicts with VR. Any customer with a grievance can approach CAP. The agency will try to resolve the issues amicably. It is important to have supporting evidence to help CAP effectively advocate for the customer's case.