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Mity Dump Tractor-Mounted Dump Box
Mity Dump Tractor-Mounted Dump Box

The Mity Dump Tractor-Mounted Dump Box, which mounts on the tractor's three-point hitch, can be easily maneuvered into areas too small for a pickup truck or trailer. The box, which sits on steel skids, has a mesh screen headboard; a wooden tailboard that can be removed for loading/unloading; adjustable screened sideboards that can be set straight up, at 45 degrees, straight out, or straight down; and is dumped by hydraulic cylinder. The box rests on the skids to load and then is raised to transport.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Lower extremity, Strength/endurance

SourceThompson Aeration Equipment
8397 Claude Harvey Rd.
Glen St. Mary, FL, 38930
EmailWeb form
Est. Cost$740-$1,885 (depending on model)
Last updated: Feb 10, 2017

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