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Bionic Gloves
On-top and underneath view of a right-hand glove.

Designed by a hand surgeon and recipient of the Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation, these Bionic Gloves improve comfort without interfering with hand motion and have been shown to be 50% better than standard leather gloves at preventing grip strength loss. Features include: anatomic relief pads and motion zones for thumb, fingers, and palm; supple washable leather; web zones for enhanced breathability; and form-fitting wrist closure. Available in work, gardening, sports, equestrian, and driving models.

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Back, Lower extremity, Strength/endurance

SourceBionic Gloves
Est. Cost$20.00 to $40.00 depending on style
Last updated: Feb 06, 2025

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