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Zipper Single-Row Planting Tool
Zipper Single-Row Planting Tool

The long-handled Zipper Single-Row Planting Tooll is designed to facilitate the manual planting of larger-seed crops and transplants. When its V-shaped blade is pointing up, the tool makes a furrow into which the seeds or transplants are placed by hand. When flipped over so the V is inverted, the tool closes the furrow as it is dragged back over the row. The Zipper is also reportedly useful for paper-pot chain planting, for where end-row space in a greenhouse is limited, and for cultivating a densely planted crop (as it throws soil on top of emerging weeds).

Estimated Cost Cost range: See below

Limitations Limitations Addressed by Product: Upper extremity, Strength/endurance, Back

SourceNeversink Farm
635 Claryville Road
Claryville, NY, 12725
Est. Cost$90
Last updated: Nov 20, 2019

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